I am way more powerful than I've been told

I am way more powerful than I know

My power exceeds all that I’ve been told is possible for me, and for all human beings. I am capable of incredible transformation, of growth, of awakening to my gifts, of healing, and of living in a whole new way.
The science of epigenetics (epi meaning greater than) is proving that I am in fact greater and more powerful than my genetic heritage. I am flexible that way. I can overcome myself. I can overcome my past. I can overcome my upbringing, environment, mistakes, and vulnerabilities, and I can overcome my heritage. All is possible for me. I am just now discovering who I truly am.
I can adopt essences that strengthen and bolster me. As I spend time with joyous people who have come into their own, with books that expand my awareness, in nature and places with great energy, they rub off on me, transform me and empower me. I can take as my own the essences of these positive people, books and places – as well as endless other uplifters and enlighteners.
Topping my powers is that of love. The more I choose to be loving to myself with my inner words, the more powerful I am as this love grows exponentially in me. I am made of this love and by my very nature, I am also the infinity that love is. This inner love is waiting for me to notice it, and boost it with my compassionate self-talk and caring actions. It’s like a flame awaiting some oxygen to grow, and grow, and grow until it’s a blazing bonfire warming and illuminating all. That’s my potential, that’s who I already am.

My self-talk: 

  • I am way more powerful than I know. 

  • I am way more powerful than I have been led to believe. 

  • I am infinite potential. 

  • Love is my great power. 

Painting by Fay.e Anastasopoulou