It’s always possible to transform your self talk... matter how critical it has been. With my self talk books, events and tools, you can choose to speak to yourself as a best friend would. It is within your power to start choosing words of kindness, love and support.

SElf Talk Love books
Self Talk Love for Sensitives, Ease Anxiety and Awaken to the Gifts of Being a Highly Sensitive Woman is a new book written just for highly sensitive women.
It may be true that we are not wired like others and that being sensitive is not all butterflies and tall glasses of lemonade. Even truer is that our trait is a gift to ourselves and to the world. Don’t believe it? By the end of this book written just for you, you will.
Author of the best-seller Speaking to Yourself with Love and teacher Maryse Cardin, now shares her positive and loving self talk wisdom with HSW. In short personal stories and tips, the book offers HSW a chance to experience self esteem and, unconditional love, and gain positive self talk skills.
This self-talk and fertility book is for women who long to be mothers. It is a beacon of hope for the difficult and heartbreaking time that infertility can be. It is also a source of comfort, encouragement, self-love and wisdom.
The book is filled with the inspiring personal stories of Maryse’s own journey to motherhood. It also includes the encouraging stories of other women who had a baby after fertility struggles, and wisdom from fertility professionals such as a naturopath and acupuncturist.
This fertility book contains tools to help women transform their negative self-talk to loving and positive self-talk. Each chapter contains an exercise for women to take the time and space to transform their self-talk if they so choose.
Speaking to yourself with Love: Transform Your Self-Talk by Maryse Cardin is a roadmap to bringing more compassion, kindness and love into your life by transforming your negative self-talk to a loving and positive one. This self-talk book is available in both e-book and paperback.
Gain the self-talk skills you need to change your inner conversation. Learn how to speak to yourself as a best friend would, and to protect yourself from your inner critic. Discover all the benefits that loving and positive self-talk brings to the quality of our life, to our health, to our healing, and to our relationship with ourself and others.
This beautiful and highly interactive workbook includes lots of space for exploration and reflection so we can develop a loving inner voice. It is filled with colourful hand-drawn illustrations and invitations to write, doodle and draw.
The intention of this book is to help you discover and stand by your own true authentic voice. Are you quite critical in your self-talk? Do you judge yourself harshly? Is it hard for you to accept yourself as you are?
In this workbook, we will explore tools to start speaking to ourselves as a true best friend would: with patience, acceptance, compassion, kindness, truth, and levity.
Toi? Utilises-tu des mots aimants qui rendent justice à ton importance ou utilises-tu des mots qui t’abaissent et te vident de toutes tes bonnes énergies et de ton amour personnel? Un discours intérieur aimant est en soi une pratique qui peut s’apprendre. Ma plus grande intention avec ce livre est celle de t’entrouvrir une porte sur une vie où tu te parleras avec amour; et même t’ouvrir grandement une porte sur une vie dont le chemin sera pavé d’un discours intérieur positif.
Avec ce livre, tu apprendras:
• Comment parler avec toi-même comme une vraie amie le ferait.
• Comment te protéger de la voix intérieure qui te critique et t’abaisse.
• Comment être ton propre phare et te guider toi-même.
• Comment te réconforter.
• Comment développer un discours intérieur favorable à ta santé et à ton bien-être.
Disponsible en livre de poche et en livre électronique.
(Coming December 2022 -- pre-order now)
Bring more magic to every day with just 5 minutes of positive self-talk each morning. What you say to yourself has been scientifically proven to influence your success and happiness. No matter what your goals, you can fill yourself with confidence, resolve, self-love, and strength by choosing the right words to fill your heart and mind. 5-Minute Morning Magic is your guide to making it happen!