Positive self talk and listenning to your own inner voice

The very first day that the school bus stopped in front of my house to pick me up for kindergarten, I ran as fast as I could down the driveway to jump on. Each September I feel that excitement again. I'm like a curious child with a brand new pencil case eager to see what she'll be learning, doing, and playing.  

September feels like the begininng of a new year when all is possible. Perhaps it’s all the years spent teaching and following an academic year. Perhaps it's having my daughter in school. September feels like it’s a time to hunker down, put some dreams into action, dream others into being. It really is an awesome time. 

So many new momentums in my life start or come into being during Septembers. I began dating my husband; I started a monumental life changing therapy; I launched my PR agency when I was 29 years old; I moved to Vancouver. As much as I love the warmth and freedom of summer, I love it as much to sit at my desk, cup of tea at the ready, with paper and pencils and my computer. Let’s see what I can make. Let’s see what I can bring into being. Let’s see who I can connect with, collaborate with, work with, play with.
September is full of promise. Of freshness. Of power. In fact I’d call it my power month.

When I say that September is my power month, I don’t mean boot camp and go, go, go. Don't worry I won't insist you put your sneakers on and run out the door -- unless, it's your thing. What I do mean by power is that by listening to my inner self so I know what it is that I’m to do, so that I can have some clarity., I am empowered. I have a guide inside always at the ready to communicate with me. Why would I go it alone when she’s wise, knowing, prepared, and wanting nothing more than to shine the light and collaborate with me? It would be like being lost in a new city and refusing to turn on my GPS. 

Stop. Take instructions. Figure out where I'm at and what's the direction. The next move. Then get moving again trusting I have been put on the right path. 
It’s a back and forth like the swaying of a tree in the wind as I move between action and listening for guidance, for what feels right and for what feels like yes.
I listen. I do.
I do. I listen.

September is here. It's time to turn on my internal GPS, listen and create. When I'm listenning to my inner guide I am empowered. 

What do you dream of right now? What does your internal GPS, your guide, have to say? What do you want to dream into being? What feels like yes?

My self talk

  • I listen to what I have to say.

  • I can trust myself.

  • September is a time filled with promise, power, and serendipities.

  • I am very capable, and resilient.

  • I am patient, nurturing, and approve of myself when I am learning new things, trying new things and ways of being.

Thanks for reading dear One.
Be well,

If learning to speak to yourself like you are your own best friend feels like a new step you've like to take in September, I invite you to sign up for my free 5 day course: