What is self-love? I am trustworthy

What is self-love?

Series Part 1

I am trustworthy

I want a loving relationship with myself in which trust is central and explicit. I am wide open to myself. I can lay down my guard. I can relax in my own presence. I am protected here for I have my best interests at heart. I take care of myself like I am someone precious. The real me is good beyond measure, and I can trust what I feel inside. I am worthy of confidence. I am reliable, honorable and dependable.

I consult with others, I take note, I seek help, but at the end I make my own choices as only I know what is right for me. I trust my body. I trust my mind. I trust my intuition. I trust my guidance. I know I can rely on my dicernment, my choices and on my ability to auto-correct when I'm headed in a direction that's not right for me.

I don’t give away my power by trusting someone else above myself. If I ever gave my power away believing I could trust someone more than I could trust myself, I take it back now – all of it. Claiming and embodying my own power is one of the ways I trust myself.

I respect my own track record. Sure it’s not been without detours, and hiccups, but all in all, I’ve brought Love, benevolence, solutions, creativity, and a myriad of other good things to this life.

I trust that I will come back to myself when I stray, and I will rise again when I fall. I trust that my life is up to me, and that I helm it steadfastly. I have redeemed myself when I’ve needed to, and I have compassionately forgiven myself.

What is the connection between trust and love? Love can exist without trust that's for sure, but it is an unpleasant and rocky thing to love someone that we don't trust. It's being between a rock and a hard place. Love without trust is complicated and it's certainly not the kind of relationship I want to have with myself.

There is no one else that I trust more to lead my life than me. It is here, at my own feet, that I lay my trust. My life is mine and mine alone.

My self love affirmations:

  • I am trustworthy.

  • I turn towards my own council, even as I remain open to the wisdom of others.

  • I have got my own back.

Thank you for reading!