What is self love? I am worthy

What is Self-Love Series
Part 2 
"I am worthy."

I’d like you to imagine that life said: here have this BLANK. It’s yours. You can claim it right now. I'm giving it to you just because you are you. Just because you are worthy.

BLANK = Fill in the blank of your wildest dream/biggest secret desire

Would you maybe say:
Oh no that’s too much.
I can’t accept.
I’m not deserving of this.
Give it to someone else.
This is taking me way out of my comfort zone.
I'm scared I'll loose it so I'd rather not have it.
I’m more comfortable getting way less.
I'll take it but I know I'm not worthy of it so I'll sabotage it -- like lottery winners who find themselves backrupt again within short time spans.

Or would you accept it with open arms and say:
Yeah! Thank you! And while we’re at it, more please.

Once we know we are worthy, then we are really plugged into our source. All benevolence andlovingenergy comes to us unobstructed. All of us are worthy ofLoveand all its forms of abundance. That's why a sense of being worthy is part of theself-Loveequation. You are so worthy and deserving ofLoveand abundance that you won't stopyourselffrom receiving them.

My conversation with Ande Anderson of AVAIYA University for the upcoming masterclass Overcoming People Pleasing and Perfectionism has given me a chance to reflect on worthiness and people pleasing. When I do that – when I put someone’s pleasing ahead of my truth, my wellbeing, my needs – I am acting like I don’t think I am worthy of saying no. When I people please I would rather displeasemyselfthan someone else.

Why would I be less worthy than that person since my worth is intrinsic? Or in other words, how could they possibly be more worthy than me?

The thing is, we are all worthy. That’s the truth. Once we know that we’re invincible.

I invite you to join the masterclass and watch my conversation with Ande on overcoming people pleasing and perfectionism. It’s free and you can sign up here. https://mcardin--avaiya.thrivecart.com/ppp-special/


  • I am worthy

  • I say yes to the abundance of life

  • I am worthy of Love and abundance.

Thank you for reading!