I accept myself and others.
What a truly beautiful gift it is to accept oneself. Acceptance is the opposite of rejection. It’s an act of generosity, kindness, and unconditional love.
You may have an intention to heal parts of yourself, or to transform into your highest potential self. And at the same time, you accept yourself entirely. These two opposites can both be true at the same time.
What could possibly be stopping me from giving myself acceptance and unconditional love right this moment? It’s mine to give and mine to claim.
I read recently that it’s a sign of maturity to accept others as they are, to understand that we are all learning at different speeds, that we have different levels of experiences, human skills, and awareness.
Acceptance is hard sometimes. We get triggered or confused. We think that if only the other person changed, it would be so much easier, or better, or to our liking. We think we know how they should act, talk, or think. If only they changed, we would be happier.
Do I really know what is in the highest and greatest good for others? What do I know about what another person needs to experience?
Acceptance doesn’t mean that you let hurtful behavior be, or you don’t enforce boundaries. It also doesn’t mean staying in close proximity to someone who is abusive, or addicted. It just means that you have an understanding that we are all doing our best at each moment. We can understand without judging, without condemning. You can accept them and then turn your focus back where it needs to be: on yourself.
Maybe accepting myself and accepting others are one and the same. Once I can do it, once I have mastered that skill, I can bestow acceptance to anyone or anything at anytime. That would be a pretty good skill to have. I think it would make my life way more peaceful.
It’s hard to do, I agree with you. And so worthwhile don’t you think?
My self talk:
I accept myself.
I accept others.
I really don't know what's in the highest and greatest good for another.
I have a high level of self acceptance while still reaching for my highest potential.
Thank you for reading.
With love,