Affirmations for self love and positive self talk to trust that it all lines up for my highest and greatest good.

Affirmations for self love and positive self talk to trust that it all lines up for my greatest good.

“I trust it all lines up for my greatest good.”

Last year a woman gave birth in the toilet on a flight to Hawaii. This sweet mama hadn’t known she was pregnant, and the tiny baby was a preemie. A family doctor and three neonatal intensive care nurses were on the flight and jumped to the rescue. They gathered around the mom and tiny baby who was having trouble breathing. They improvised medical equipment with objects they found on board, many of which were provided by other passengers. Mom and baby were stabilized and made it safely to the hospital.  
How could one person orchestrate such an outcome? There is an amazing force that works on our behalf lining everything up for our greatest good.
There have been a few times that I have collapsed on my knees, at the end of my tether and resources. A very inelegant and dramatic surrender, if I may say so. Trust came low on my list of options, right after “micromanage and force this to happen with hypervigilance and anxiety”. This is not an option I would recommend to anyone.

Now, my intention is to practice trust and surrender as an early option, tuning in, checking in, staying on my path, and readjusting as needed (which is quite a lot of the time). I always reserve the right to auto correct or to change my mind based on new information or guidance. I make a bunch of little choices every day based on this trust.  

I am at the same time a full participant in the creation that is my life. I do my part of things, I do my best, and let life do the rest.
As I walk my path, I trust that it’s not random, or without meaning even when it seems this way and the reasons elude me. Sometimes looking back, I am illuminated. Ah, I see that’s why that happened. Sometimes I am not – for now at least.
Surrendering is in fact a strong form of empowerment. Trust is knowing I am not alone, that I am loved,  and l Iive in a way that reflects these truths.

Self love affirmations:

  • I am loved.

  • I trust.

  • It all lines up for my highest and greatest good.

Thank you for reading. 
With love, 
