It's not that serious, it's only Christmas

It’s so easy during the holidays to get caught up. There are long to do lists, a frantic energy in the air, and so many get togethers, everyone bringing their own dysfunction to it.

 There’s another side to the holidays, one that is very precious. Christmas can be a time of magic when people open their hearts, and their generosity blooms. There can also be slow lazy afternoons doing nothing in our slippers.  Nothing has to be perfect. The biggest gift is for you to be present and loving to yourself – and those around you. In this crazy, fast-paced world, that’s what we all need: a peaceful time and a little love, not perfection. Stop everything when you feel yourself getting caught up or anxious, take a deep breath, and tell yourself about the love: who you love, what you love, and what makes you want to say thank you.

Even if it’s for just a few moments a day, try to tap into that energy.

Whatever story you are telling yourself about Christmas, and what you have to do, or be, completely sets the tone. I invite you to take a few moments to look at your inner story. If it’s negative self talk, do you feel like replacing it with another story that will give you more inner peace? You get to choose.

Remember also that it’s not that serious after all: it’s just Christmas. If you can laugh a little too, it brings up your energy, and that’s always good. And if you need a little help keeping it light, try this game that Martha Beck has created. It’s called Dysfunctional Family Bingo.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Merry Christmas!

Much love to you and yours,
