Using your self talk to create a new world

I often tell myself about what I’d like to see when we are on the other side of this situation – what I desire the world to be like. My intention for this new world is that it is way more kind, way more compassionate, way more gentle, and way more joyous, light and humorous. (we can all use lightness and a laugh, right?!) In this new world, we are all healthy, safe, and thriving.  

We created a free worksheet if you'd like to envision our new world. Here it is:

We can use our self talk to guide ourselves towards who we want to be, and what we want to create in our lives, and in this world. Our inner words have so much power. Your self talk influences every cell in your body, your brain, your nervous system. It plays a role in your health, in your mood, in your outlook on life, and in your ability to manifest your dreams. Why not use it to your advantage?
It’s like if you had a gorgeous Tesla, but you are only travelling in your old gas-guzzling, grossly-polluting beater. Positive and loving self talk is your Tesla. Negative, critical, defeated, and cruel self-talk is your beater. The choice is yours. The power is yours.
What you say inside radiates out into the world. As in, as out. As your self talk transforms into love, compassion, courage, joy and kindness, the world follows suit. A new world starts with you. You have that power. It is possible. The way you speak to yourself counts, brave one. Self-talk can be your ally, and a powerful tool in creating your right life, and your right world.  

Esther Hicks has a great video where she advises us to ONLY talk about what we want, to ONLY focus our inner words on what we want. Forget all the reasons why you think it’s not possible and forget about the so-called obstacles. Never mind your “Yeah but…”  ONLY talk about what you want. So I am using my self talk to tell myself all about our new world, and the person that I have become in this new world.
What is your desire for this new world? If you’d like to explore your vision of a new world, here’s a free worksheet to have fun with.

You can spend a few moments in the joy of imagining all the beauty of this new world, and what you are like in it. Go for it. There are infinite possibilities.  

Thanks for reading.
With love,


Here again is the free exercise to guide you in the creation of a new world with your self-talk: