What you say inside radiates out into the world

It used to be normal for me to talk to myself this way. Such statements were all part of my regular inner repertoire:

  • I am not worthy.

  • I am not important.

  • I am not beautiful.

  • I am not lovable.

  • I am fat.

  • I am shameful.

  • I always mess things up.

  • I’m always making mistakes.

  • I pick the wrong people in relationships

  • There’s something wrong with me.

  • If people really know who I am they will judge me. I won’t be safe.

  • etc., etc.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?
What a downer I was, a real stick in the mud. Outside, I was all kindness and compliments for friends and family, while inside I was a joy-block. I basically gave all the good stuff away. It was like eating crumbs while I stood in front of a smorgasbord. Supportive and loving self-talk is like a buffet of all the good things like self-love, encouragement, forgiveness, joy, adventure, acceptance, and inner calm. I just ignored all this goodness. 
Imagine how a friend would react if I said such cruel words things to her? Well, my body, my cells, my inner being all reacted that way to such debasing and abusive words. What I say to myself radiates out into the world. When my energy is down, so is that of the world.
My inner self is now a space free of verbal abuse and of cruel words. There is no tolerance for it. Mama’s got a brand-new bag. But when I do slip up -- as I do despite all my practice and intentions because I am human -- I am gentle with myself. Then I choose inner words that are kinder, more gentle and more supportive. I treat myself just like I want the world to be.

Immediately the world is more kind, gentle and supportive because there’s an extra person embodying those qualities. There’s an extra person radiating out that energy.
What’s wonderful about self talk is that it is completely in your control. You don’t have to wait for anyone else to come around and give you something. You don’t have to wait for anything to change. Right at this moment, you can speak to yourself like you are loved, like you matter, like you are a person worthy of dignity and love. Which you are. For sure. There are no exceptions to this. No one is so special that they are not worthy of love.  
As we create this new inside, we create a new outside. Our new selves, our new world.
We created this free worksheet so that we can take time to imagine, to visualize, our new selves, in our new world. Here it is:

Thank you for reading!
With love, 
