This year tell yourself it is possible

Several years ago, I was in the gym with TVs blaring in the background when someone turned on the inauguration of President Obama. I hadn’t thought much about the election until I saw him and his family in their gorgeous clothes – I still remember Michelle with that fabulous long yellow coat and olive green leather gloves – outside in the cold. And suddenly it hit me, and it hit me hard. If Barack Obama could be elected, if it was possible for him as an African American man to become President of the United States, then it was possible that I would become a mother. I was hit with a surge of energy, and hope. I believed it. I knew it was possible deep inside me. I started moving on that elliptical machine with renewed vigour and a bounce in my step. Why not me! 
When I watched the inauguration, I was in the middle of a long fertility struggle, years of trying to become a mother.  We’d been told the chances were slim, less than 5 percent. But what were the odds of Barack Obama becoming president? Surely they had been slim like mine.  And yet, there he was looking proud, honoured, and strong. AHA! If it was possible for him, it was possible for me! It turns out that in fact it was possible for me! 
What else is possible for me, for you, for us as a world?
It is certainly not because something has been a certain way for a long time, that it is meant to stay that way. We all saw last year how quickly things can change. Well, they can change for the better.  It is possible. A new year is a good time to tell yourself that it is possible. Whatever it is that you dream about, that you hope, that you hold as your most sacred of intentions, it is possible. 
May this be a year of opportunities, synchronicities, and possibilities for you.
My self talk:

  • It is possible that love bloom.

  • It is possible that our world be just and fair.

  • It is possible to be peaceful.

  • It is possible to be free.

  • It is possible to reconciliate.

  • It is possible to heal.

  • It is possible that my dream will come true.

  • It is possible! It is possible! It is possible!

With love,


PS. If you'd like to read more about how I became a mom, or if you know a woman who is going through a fertility struggle of her own and could use some hope, visit my website: