Self talk to show up as your own best friend

Falisa Asberrry and I had a meaningful chat about what it is like to truly show up as a friend for yourself. Something had always been missing from our lives until we discovered that what was missing was a true friendship with ourselves. A true connection. We talked about the joy of being our authentic selves too. It’s a relief and a joy when you start showing up for yourself, and you start to accept yourself just as you are. You can watch our conversation as part of Falisa’s free summit series I am Who I am 2.0. There's a whole lineup of great speakers including myself. Click here:  http://
I’m always saying to my clients that the goal is to speak to ourselves like a true friend would. But what does that really mean? I think one of the most important elements of a true friendship is the willingness to show up, and to be present. Here’s an example.
Late last spring, after months of intense lock down, I travelled to a little island to stay for two days with myself. I was truly excited to go, to have long hours to connect with myself uninterrupted. I stayed in a little cabin on the edge of the woods. I turned off all social media and email. It’s like I was going on a extended date and I was going to give myself my undivided attention. 
At each moment on the island, I asked myself: what would you like to do right now? I’d just wait for an answer. Sometimes the answer was go for a hike in the rain, sit on a cliff, meditate by a tree, pick up a pizza (there was a great thin crust pizza joint in the village!), explore the garden, stretch, write in my journal, shred to pieces what I’d just written, have a bath, drink tea with a piece of chocolate, lie in the hammock and have a nap, dance. When no answer came, I just stayed where I was, being present. Sooner or later I’d let myself know what I desired next. I felt so seen those two days because I gave my full focus to myself.
I didn’t even want to read during this sojourn. I wanted the words inside me to be my words, and my feelings. It was an experiment for me. I had never done something like that before for so long. I had to built up to this of course. That two day date with myself was years in the making. If I had gone on such a getaway years before, I would have made sure that I had loads of stuff to keep myself entertained.  
You may need to start building the relationship from scratch – I  did. Friendships need to be built. They don't just show up ready made. I had spent the first part of my life never connecting with myself and making sure that I kept so busy or so intoxicated that I could ignore the voices that I had inside.
That would be like each time your friend came to speak to you, you turned on the TV, or you picked up a book to read or you drank two glasses of wine and started talking to someone else on the phone.
You first need an interest, and a willingness to show up and be present. And then in time it can turn into a real joy and excitement to be with yourself.
Those two days were a luxury, so much time and space to be with myself. Most days I take just a few minutes to connect, to show myself that I am present. I touch base with a little, how are you? Like I would with a friend. I put my hand on my heart for a deeper connection and to let myself know I am there.
Finding yourself is like finding an awesome new friend. You are truly the one you have been looking for all this time. A hole deep inside can only be filled by one person, and that’s you.
My self talk:

  • I am here for you.

  • I know you have been alone for a long time, but that changes right now.

  • I want to be close to you. I want to be friends.

  • I love you just the way you are. You don't have to do anything special for me to love you.

  • What do you need right now?

  • What do you want to do right now?

Thanks for reading!
With love,
