You alone are the DJ of your inner music

You have a voice inside that’s compassion itself, while another is as unforgiving as that ex you broke up with. One voice thinks you’re the cat’s pyjamas, while the other says you look like something the cat dragged in. Each one of us has the entire spectrum of voices inside. That’s just how we are made and wired. Some of the voices speak louder than others, and are constantly barraging us with their opinions, while others are gentle, speaking in soft whispers, and you hardly ever hear them.
You can think of these voices like songs on a streaming service. You are the DJ putting the playlist together. You are the one who listens to the music. It’s obvious that you not one of the songs, right? Similarly, you are not the voices you have inside.  
We forget we have power as the DJ and instead of choosing our music, we stand around numbly, listening to whatever song our brain decides to play for us. We are at its mercy.
My brain used to play me sad songs about how alone I was, or demeaning songs about how I wasn’t good enough, or fearful songs about worse case scenarios. I’d just listen to the music and feel bad, feel low, feel scared or feel unworthy and small.
It still happens, but now I recognize the tune and I remember who I am – yeah, that's right the DJ  – and I step up and put myself in charge of the music like the quality of my life depends on it – because it does.
I turn one song off, and play a favourite inner song. I instruct the voice of low self esteem to stop, and ask the voice of unconditional support to play me something sweet. First thing I know, my inner tune sounds like music I enjoy. It makes me want to groove, it makes me feel strong, or in love with my life. Some inner songs help me forgive, laugh, calm down, or celebrate. It’s the playlist of my own true, good, and brave life.

Don’t you want to hear an inner song that makes you jump for joy? Don’t you want to hear an inner song that calms you right down? Don’t you want to hear an inner song that makes you feel invincible and propels you to reach for the moon?
They are all there inside you. You may just not be playing them right now.
First thing to know is you are the DJ. Second thing to know is as the DJ you hold the power to choose the music. And third, you are capable of learning inner DJ skills if need be. So go ahead, start playing the music of your own true, good, and brave life.

My top 5 inner songs:

  • I am good enough just the way I am.

  • Of course I can do it.

  • I love you.

  • It’s going to be ok.

  • I am here. I will always be with you.