Our lives can seem so serious. We can lighten them up a little with our self talk

Two hummingbirds suddenly appear and hover over flowers next to me this morning. They are an invitation to lighten up; a sign of levity, silliness, whimsy, and humor. That’s the meaning that I give that wonderful bird.
Can we live in extremely strange and difficult times and still be light, humorous, and whimsical? You betcha. Can we be both kind and funny? For sure we can.
Look at His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Think of what he’s gone through – just a tiny thing like loosing his country and living in exile. Think of his responsibilities towards his people and his unswerving dedication to world peace and compassion. Think also of that arduous schedule he keeps. He should be the glummest, most discouraged, and serious person on the planet. And yet he laughs. Big full belly laughs. Apparently when he gets together with good friend Archbishop Desmond Tutu, it’s a Just For Laughs festival. Those two wise peaceful warriors can really crack each other up.
When I was pregnant with my daughter, I went to see the Dalai Lama speak when he was visiting my city. I wanted my daughter to be around his person, around his energy. He spent much of his time on stage laughing. And there was always so much kindness behind his laughter. Kindness and humor are the best of friends. They love being present at the same time.
The hummingbirds remind me to be lighter, funnier, softer, happier. Laughing is so good for us. It raises our immune systems, lowers our stress hormones, it lightens the load we carry, it makes us feel closer to each other. Fear melts away when we laugh. And when fear melts away, our hearts open and feel love for ourselves, for others, and for this planet that we are sharing.
I know my husband loves being around me when I am light, when I laugh, and when I’m out to make him laugh. I know I love being around me when I’m that way too.
My intention for this week is to laugh way more. I think right now we can all use some lightening up. So here’s a joke for you:
A patient walks into a clinic, terribly anxious.
Patient: Nurse! Please help me! I am shrinking. I am losing an inch of height every few minutes!
Nurse: Sorry, the team is on their way to an emergency. You’re just going to have to be a little patient.
My self talk:

  • I choose the lighter side.

  • I have the ability to lighten the load I carry and that others carry with humor.

  • Am I laughing enough?

  • Do I want to laugh more?

  • Laughter is so good for me and for others. I take every opportunity I can to bring it into my life.

  • I can be kind and funny.

Thanks for reading. 
With love, 


PS. We can create a world that is lighter, gentler, more compassionate. We have that power. It can start with our self talk as what we say inside radiates out. Here’s a free worksheet to explore how you can create a new world life, a new world with your self talk. https://selftalklove.lpages.co/self-talk-love-speaking.../