What will it take for you to love me? A message from your inner self

The following words is what I imagine your inner self may say back to you after you’ve been critical or cruel in your self talk, or you’ve withheld love from yourself:

  • Why do you speak to me like I don't matter?

  • Why do you keep betraying me by siding with others over my own wellbeing, or by saying yes when what we need is to say no?

  • What will it take for you to love me?

  • Who do I have to become to be worthy of kind and compassionate words? Do I have to be someone else?

  • Do I have to be more beautiful? More successful? Make more money? Have more friends?

  • Do I have to work harder or be perfect? I’m trying so hard to be perfect and it never seems to satisfy you.

  • If I starve myself and become thinner, will you be happy with me then?

  • Do I have to do more?

  • Does my house have to be tidier? Bigger?

  • Do I need great clothes or an expensive car to be a person you will respect?

  • If I erase myself more, make myself smaller, will you ease up on me?

  • I never hear you speak to others the demeaning way you speak to me. Does that mean you think I am worse than them?

  • I never hear you tell your friends that they are fat/ugly/unworthy/stupid/unsuccessful. I never hear you tell them they look terrible in a photo, or that they don’t deserve better.

  • I never hear you tell your colleagues that they are just not good enough or don’t know what they are doing. And I never hear you go on and on at them if they make mistakes.

You, my friend, deserve to be spoken to like someone who matters. You can start right now with a few kind and gentle inner words. No matter who you are, or what you have done or that's been done to you, compassion is your birthright.

Self talk is a great gateway to self love. If you'd like to learn to speak to yourself with more love, compassion and support, try Self Talk Love's free five day course:


Thanks for reading!

With love,
