The Power of Earthing to Tame Anxiety

A good friend who was the embodiment herself of steadiness, courage and calm now suffers from anxiety and insomnia.  This ongoing global situation has been a very stressful time for many people. For this reason I've decided today to share a powerful and efficient practice that enables me to regain a state of inner calm. 

Anxiety used to be like a pursuer I couldn’t shake. Wherever I went, it was either by my side or not far behind. It was like travelling with the most uncomfortable travelling companion. Though I was a very high functioning anxious person and looked Zen on the outside, inside I was jittery and climbing out of my skin. And those were normal days, not the ones where I stayed just steps ahead of full-blown panic attacks. Now for the most part, I feel a wonderful state of inner calm – not everyday – but the majority of days. And when I don’t, I make it a priority to calm my system without delay.   
Here’s something that I do when I feel anxious, nervous or overwhelmed. It’s easy and everyone can do it. In the summer I go lie right on the grass preferably with my shoes off, and in the colder months, I find a big solid tree and I sit with my back against its trunk. I also will go to the beach and put my bare feet in the sand. Within 15 to 20 minutes, I will begin to sigh, big heaving sighs that are letting out tension. I know that it’s kicking in. Then a calm will come over me. By the time I’m ready to get up, I’m a new person. I’ve been known to do this twice on a really tough day.
This practice is called earthing or grounding. By doing this, we connect to the electrical energy of the earth. They say there’s a host of benefits to doing this like improved blood pressure and lower stress levels, and I believe it. What I experience first hand is the power this has to bring me back to me. When I’m in a calm and grounded state, I remember who I am. I can feel who I really am. In a way, when I’m anxious or overwhelmed, I am no longer myself. I can no longer feel love, or gratitude, or being present. I’m like a tiger in a cage looking for an exit.
Research has shown that it takes about 20 minutes for an over-aroused nervous system to calm itself and regain balance and coherence. When I combine meditation or breath work with grounding, I can get back into balance even quicker.
When anxiety quicks in, it doesn’t benefit me to wait to bring myself relief. The quicker I can get to grounding when I’m in a state of stress, the quicker I’m back in business. Unless I’m dealing with an emergency, I will give myself permission to put everything aside and go find a tree and chill out with it. Not doing that would be like cutting myself while making dinner and not doing anything to stop the bleeding because I think I’m too busy to deal with it.
Go ahead. Find a big, fat, solid tree, or a slim one that sways in the breeze. Whatever calls to you. Sit at its base. Put your back against it. I like to pull my hat down over my eyes. Then just sit there with the tree. Or go lie in the grass or on the sand with your shoes off. This is earthing time. No cell phone. No reading. Be still. Give your nervous system a chance to relax, however many minutes that takes. Everything else can wait. You are connecting right now with the earth, with your self. 
My self talk:

  • I give myself permission to take the time to calm my system.

  • There are practices that help me feel inner peace.

  • I can absolutely lower my anxiety levels.

  • I can come back to myself and be free.

Thanks for reading!

With love,


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