I can change and I can grow

I thought of a decision I made years ago that I’m not particularly proud of. I used to cringe when I thought of it. This time I didn't. I realized that I am no longer the person who did that. I have changed. The way I think has changed, the way I act has changed, what interests me has changed, what I believe has changed, and how I spend my time has changed. I know I would make a totally different decision today should I face the same circumstances.

I am also no longer the person that I was one year ago. The way I see many things is quite different. Things that I thought I really needed are no longer important, they have lost some of their hold over me, or their appeal. I’m way more inclined to see what happens, to trust, than to try and control things outside of me. These are beautiful changes that I’m taking into the rest of my life. 
Some say people don’t really change. I believe they do. People change when they set an intention to change and when they do the work that transformation entails. This work also entails loving myself just the way I am, and not expecting any changes at all. Self love doesn’t come in the future, it is only possible at this very moment. As I love myself just the way I am, that makes change possible. That’s the catch and the beauty of it. We are loved into being, into growing, into change. 

How have you changed in the past year? In the past decade?

My self talk:

  • I can change.

  • Growth is possible for me no matter who I am, no matter my age, or my background.

  • I give myself permission to change.

  • I am willing to do the work it takes to change.

  • I love myself just the way I am.

Thanks for reading!
With love,
