Affirmations for self love , I choose to see benevolence

My self talk affirmations

"I choose to see benevolence"

When Mister Rogers of the famed TV show Mister Rogers Neighborhood was a boy, his mom told him to look for the helpers when something bad happens in life. They always show up she said; the benevolent people who come to alleviate pain and bring comfort in times of natural disaster or a neighbor in distress. They come bearing love, attention, rescue skills, casseroles. She taught her son to bring his focus on the goodness in every situation and what he can do to elevate the world.
We are wired as a survival skill to see the negative and to remember it. So it takes some effort and the learning of new skills to be able to see and keep our focus on the goodness everywhere. We can choose to see compassion, love, goodness, and beauty in what happens in the greater world, in our own lives, and in our own being. Not just to see it, but to really bring our focus on it. To tell ourselves about it, to talk about it with others, to celebrate and give thanks for it.
This benevolence grows when you focus on it. Your focus holds that much inherent power in it. It makes things get stronger. Please don’t give it away to the negative. Lend it in support to what you want more of.
I’m reminded of this when I watch The Dodo videos about animal rescues. I’ll see a person foster a limping old dog or a litter of abandoned kittens and think, how amazing is that. One man drove a calf and piglet to a rescue center across several states in his car. Who does that? Can you imagine sharing your hatchback with farm animals for two days? Thank goodness for these people and that I get to share this planet with them.
My self love affirmations:

  • I choose to see the benevolence.

  • What I focus on grows. I am that powerful. 

  • I speak about love, goodness, and beauty.

  • I create more benevolence simply by focusing on it.

Thank you for reading!


"I choose to see benevolence"

When Mister Rogers of the famed TV show Mister Rogers Neighborhood was a boy, his mom told him to look for the helpers when something bad happens in life. They always show up she said; the benevolent people who come to alleviate pain and bring comfort in times of natural disaster or a neighbor in distress. They come bearing love, attention, rescue skills, casseroles. She taught her son to bring his focus on the goodness in every situation and what he can do to elevate the world.

We are wired as a survival skill to see the negative and to remember it. So it takes some effort and the learning of new skills to be able to see and keep our focus on the goodness everywhere. We can choose to see compassion, love, goodness, and beauty in what happens in the greater world, in our own lives, and in our own being. Not just to see it, but to really bring our focus on it. To tell ourselves about it, to talk about it with others, to celebrate and give thanks for it.

This benevolence grows when you focus on it. Your focus holds that much inherent power in it. It makes things get stronger. Please don’t give it away to the negative. Lend it in support to what you want more of.

I’m reminded of this when I watch The Dodo videos about animal rescues. I’ll see a person foster a limping old dog or a litter of abandoned kittens and think, how amazing is that. One man drove a calf and piglet to a rescue center across several states in his car. Who does that? Can you imagine sharing your hatchback with farm animals for two days? Thank goodness for these people and that I get to share this planet with them.

My self love affirmations:

  • I choose to see the benevolence.

  • What I focus on grows. I am that powerful.

  • I speak about love, goodness, and beauty.

  • I create more benevolence simply by focusing on it.

Thank you for reading!


PS. Practice self love affirmations and positive self talk to feel your inner strenght.  A free worksheet to get in touch with your inner superhero. What do they have to say to you?