Affirmations for self love: I listen carefully to myself

My positive self talk: “I listen carefully to myself”

One night this summer I found myself on the living room sofa bawling, in the throngs of profound sorrow and fear. A friend just happened to send me at that moment– like anything is mere coincidence –a wonderful song. I am very moved by music and that song enabled me to let go. Out and out came the tears. There was a lot going on my life and lots to be crying over, but it went deeper than that. I realized it was my inner child that was so disconsolate. So I asked her:

What do you need right now?
And the answer was: I need to be seen.
And I asked again, what else do you need?
And the answer was:  I need to be cared for too.

AHA – it had been a period of intense caring for others and now my inner small me wanted some love, attention, and support. I realized I had once again neglected and abandoned myself. 

So now I’m giving her lots of the good stuff I give others: my time, my attention, my love, my care, and my listenning. I have a renewed commitment to being present for myself and all parts of me. I am sitting quietly tuning in.
I am writing in my journal. I am listening to what it is I want to share with myself, what it is that every part of me desires, including my sweet inner girl. I want to know if she’s bothered or hurt or happy. I am spending time with her so she knows how much I care. She’s my wonderful girl and I am a fierce guardian, a loving wise mature adult for her. I also want to know what she’d like to do. I get the feeling she thinks I’m way too serious too much of the time.
So, the other day, I get the urge to watch The Jungle Book. I check into the streaming services we have and it’s not available. I consider subscribing to another one, but it seems indulgent, and silly for just this whim. I grab a book – a serious adult book on the history of magic -- and start reading. I could feel my disappointment –  my inner child’s disappointment. I take a moment to listen and realize just how much she wants this. It is in my power to give it to her, so I do. I have a great joyous time rewatching a favourite childhood movie. My family joins me but really it is just for me. It is a small thing to do, yet it really make my inner child feel happy.

It’s not just my inner child I intend to listen to, it’s all of me and all of life: my mature woman, my intuition, my divine feminity and divine masculinity, my body, and the signs the universe gives me as it communicates with me. As my friend Kurtis is fond of quoting: “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.”

My self love affirmations:

  • I listen carefully to myself. 

  • I am important to me and I show it. 

  • I give myself some of the good things I give others like my time, my attention, and my love. 

Here’s a short video on my renewed commitment to myself:

Thank you for reading!