Affirmations for self love: I am happy

Positive self talk: I am happy

What if happiness were my baseline and the natural state in which I exist? What if happy is the real me? How glorious is that?

I do everything that’s in my control to nurture my happiness level. When I do get a taste of happiness, I revel in it. I notice and spend time with it. I don’t just move on.

I do all I can to cultivate happiness. I want to put more happiness in me so that it grows and elevates the happiness that’s already there. There are so many ways to do that in a day. I hang with happy people because it feels good to be around them. I do things that bring me joy. And I give myself a break. I am aware of my self talk and I speak to myself gently and kindly because nothing is worth diminishing my inner happiness.

I once believed happiness was way too ambitious, that it was way too much to ask. I thought contentment and satisfaction were more realistic. I don’t think so now.

Imagine a building and each emotion you feel resides on a floor. At the lower levels are anger, fear, dejection. They feel heavy. As you rise towards the top of the building you reach the floors of happiness, love, peace and appreciation. They feel lighter.

I know that I’m the elevator operator that brings me up to the top floors. I go down to the lower floors of my building as I feel my feelings, and process things that happen, but I know that I’m the elevator operator. I know what it feels like on the upper floors and I know it’s possible to rise. So I use my favourite tools and I make my way back up. Some days that’s easier to do than others. I know it’s possible so it’s my choice if I’m going to set my intention to rise.

Happiness is my deepest intention right, to lean more and more into happiness and to vibrate at that level. It’s my mantra right now. I repeat it to myself all the time. “I am happy. I am happy. I am happy.”

I know now that it’s all up to me. Happiness is an inside job. It’s feeling the love that I am inside. It’s letting myself be me. It’s being grateful for all that I do have, and for what’s in the pipeline coming. It’s living my life, feeling my feelings, and rising again to the happiness floor.

Here’s a short exercise that reminds me each time that so much that I feel happy doing is free and abundant.

Write a list of 15 things that you love to do, or that bring you comfort and joy. They can be small like taking a hot bath, or bigger like travel. Once you have your list, draw a heart next to each item that is free. Sit there with your list of happiness and notice how many items are accessible to you on a daily basis.

My self love affirmations:

  • I am happy.

  • Happiness is possible for me and I go for it

  • I do all that I can to cultivate happiness.

Thank you for reading!