You Have the Power to Become Someone Who Loves Their Life

At any moment, no matter where we are in life, it is possible to choose change. You can raise your frequency and evolve into a new version of yourself. You are not stuck. You are evolving.

Change doesn’t happen overnight, but it does start with one conscious decision. You are always in the process of becoming the best version of yourself, one that vibrates at a higher frequency. 

For me now, my overall intention is to evolve into a person who is more happy and more peaceful, and more in Love with life. My intention is to be the state of being -- the state of consciousness -- of happiness, peace, and Love. I believe that if I continue to raise my vibration to this state of being that what I experience inside me will change, and what I experience outside me will change too.

I have free will, and with it comes the power to make choices. And within the choices available to me, is being in Love with my life, right here, right now, in real time.  

This is a simple and powerful tea meditation that fills me with Love. Make yourself a favorite tea. While your tea steeps, sit down, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and put your hand on your heart.  Then say: I love you, I love you, I love you... (over and over again). Take another deep breath, and enjoy your tea, noticing just how good it can feel to sit quietly with someone you love -- and that someone is you. 

Is there something you’ve recently shifted or are working on? It’s always inspiring to hear how others are raising their frequencies and evolving! 

