Who has loved you into being?

One scene in A beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, the movie about Fred Rogers, has stuck with me. Mr Rogers asks an embittered friend to reflect on who has loved him into being. As the friend thinks of all those who have loved him, you can see his face soften in gratitude.
To focus on love, brings solace. To focus on love, brings inner peace. To focus on love, brings gratitude. To focus on love, brings us connection with others, with our highest self and with the universe. Every time I feel fear, or anxiety, or worry about what’s happening or what could happen, I turn to love. 

When I tell myself about who has loved me into being, my heart bursts open.

  • I think of my grandma making me jars of strawberry jam in a special way just for me

  • I think of my mom laminating my high school achievements and the millions of meals made me

  • I think of my dad writing me a letter on my 16th birthday

  • I think of my older cousin claiming me as hers when I was born

  • I think of my meditation teacher and the friends with whom I share the practice

  • I think of my homeopath and how she’s been with us every step of our healing for years

  • I think of my husband holding me for two days while I cried

  • I think of my friends and the freedom they give me to be me

  • I think of my daughter with whom I open my heart like it’s infinite

  • I think of all the people who have forgiven me, freeing both of us

  • I think of my future self, the Maryse of the future, calling me forth and believing in me as I fumble towards becoming her

I can use my self-talk to remind myself of how loved I am, and how much I love. Who has loved you into being? I invite you to take a few minutes to think about this precious gift so many have given you.
My self talk:

  • I am loved

  • I love

  • I am worthy of love

  • Love is always present even when I can’t feel it. It’s like the sun being there behind the clouds.

Thanks for reading. 
With love, 
