Self Talk to Trust the Next Step in Your Life

You may think that progress in life is made in huge leaps – and you are right. Suddenly an idea comes, a solution appears, an intention is set. But moving forward also involves a series of small steps, one in front of the other. Over time they build up, giving momentum to a new course.

 Let me give you an example. I suffered from chronic pain in my shoulder blade for several years. It was constantly flaring up. I had seen all kinds of healers and practitioners, but I had come to believe that this is just something I had to live with, that all I could do was to take the edge off it.
Just over one year ago, I set the intention that I was going to find a solution to it. I had to trust that it was possible, and to tell myself that it was possible. I found a new team of sports injury practitioners who were able to diagnose what I had and give me a treatment plan. Then every day since then I have been doing the exercises and stretches that they gave me.
Now I am free of pain and my overall posture is much more solid. The great leap was the intention, the trust,  and finding a new team. The step by step has been doing those exercises everyday -- as boring as it is.
There is such power in showing up regularly and doing the work – whatever that is. With your self talk you can encourage yourself to show up, to keep going, and to believe in what you are doing. Of course, you’ve got to be headed in the right direction. You can walk step by step towards a sunset but if you are facing the wrong way, you’ll never see one. And when we realize we're not headed where we want to go, then we change course. We are always allowed to set the course for our right life. 
We may become unsure of the direction or the next step. We may be in the dark about it. We may need to pause. We pause and contemplate. We pause and seek information. We pause and check in with our inner self. We pause and read the signs that show themselves to us. We pause and let the answer come. Sometimes information only comes at the very last moment. You can’t force it. 
You may only become clear on the very next step that can be taken. And then you trust that the step after that will be illuminated for you. It’s just like when you drive at night. You can only see a limited distance ahead of you, but you know that as you move forward, more of the road will be visible. You are wise and you know that when it is very dark and the road is treacherous, you must drive very slowly.
This is where trust comes in. To trust that when the moment is right, what you need to see will be illuminated.  You will know the direction or the next step. You will know what to do, where to go, what to say. And that can mean to do nothing, say nothing, go nowhere, but to stay still for the present moment.

My self-talk:

  • I trust that I will know when the time is right.

  • Step by step I create my right life.

  • It is ok for me to pause when I am not sure and wait for guidance.

  • I am allowed to change direction in my life.

  • I show up for myself and do the work step by step.

Thanks for reading!

With love,


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