Self Talk to Be Your Own Loyal Friend

I watched a short video clip with Oprah and Gayle answering questions. One woman asked then how she could do damage control on a friendship that had fallen apart. She had mistakenly sent her friend a text meant for someone else. The text contained hurtful comments about the friend. Oprah and Gayle said there was no way to fix such a lack of loyalty, and that she needed to ask herself why she would be so disloyal to her friend in the first place.

Loyalty is defined as the quality or state of being true and constant in support of someone or something. Having a loyal friend is a most amazing gift. This is a person who shows up for you. They have your best interest at heart, and they stick around when you are having a hard time. They don’t abandon you at the first sign of a mistake, or a weakness.

They say that it’s when you are down and low that you find out who your true blue friends are.
I have a small select and cherished group of friends who have stood the test of time. You can count them on one hand. They have been there with me through thick and thin. They know who I am. They know my weaknesses and faults. And they never make me feel shame for being who I am. 
What would it look like to be your own loyal friend? Can you imagine the comfort, the relief, the support, and the sense of being loved that you would get by being in the presence of such a being?
That being is you.
My self talk:

  • I give myself the benefit of the doubt.

  • I have my own back.

  • I am true and constant in my support of the people in my life – and that includes me.

  • I am safe in my own presence.

  • I honour my feelings.

  • I protect myself when needed. I am worthy of protection and care.

Thanks for reading!

With love,


Self talk is a great gateway to self love. If you'd like to learn to speak to yourself with more love, compassion and support, try Self Talk Love's free five day course: