Self talk to do my best and then relax

"I do my best and I relax."

Really, what else can one do?
When it’s been a tough day, and I’ve made mistakes, I’ve gotten sad news, or something hurtful has happened, I tell myself that I’ve done my best, and I relax in that knowing.
What I can do everyday is show up, open my heart and mind, stand in my truth, and don’t get too attached to the outcome that appears right away. I must remember that some things are on the long track program and they take a while to manifest. They will come into my life with time. With time, solutions will be found, healing will happen, doors will open. Maybe what I think is a bad ending is just the beginning of a new chapter. I focus on what I can do to go towards the life I want and on what's in my power. 
For now, I do my best and I relax.

Here’s a free worksheet to use positive and loving self talk to calm an overwhelmed nervous system

Thank you for reading. 
With love, 
