A new year can start a new momentum of self-love.
New positive self-talk book: 5-Minute Morning Magic
Positive self talk: I believe in me
Self love affirmations: I choose my inner words with care
Free Online Masterclass on Positive Self Talk Messages with Maryse Cardin
What is self love? I am worthy
Overcoming people pleasing and perfectionism free webinar
What is self-love? I am trustworthy
Self love affirmation: I am intentional
Setting an intention can be exciting and fun. It enables me to live according to a vision instead of bobbing around reacting to the circumstances of my life. It's knowing that I am a co-creator in all. I may not be the only force, but good gracious, I am a power to be reckoned with. I use my positive self talk to live with intention.
Affirmations for self love: I am happy
Positive self talk: I am happy. I do all I can to cultivate happiness. I want to put more happiness in me so that it grows and elevates the happiness that’s already there. There are so many ways to do that in a day. I hang with happy people because it feels good to be around them. I do things that bring me joy. And I give myself a break. I am aware of my self talk and I speak to myself gently and kindly because nothing is worth diminishing my inner happiness.
Affirmations for self love: I listen carefully to myself
Affirmations for self love , I choose to see benevolence
My self talk affirmations
"I choose to see benevolence"
When Mister Rogers of the famed TV show Mister Rogers Neighborhood was a boy, his mom told him to look for the helpers when something bad happens in life. They always show up she said; the benevolent people who come to alleviate pain and bring comfort in times of natural disaster or a neighbor in distress. They come bearing love, attention, rescue skills, casseroles. She taught her son to bring his focus on the goodness in every situation and what he can do to elevate the world.
We are wired as a survival skill to see the negative and to remember it. So it takes some effort and the learning of new skills to be able to see and keep our focus on the goodness everywhere. We can choose to see compassion, love, goodness, and beauty in what happens in the greater world, in our own lives, and in our own being. Not just to see it, but to really bring our focus on it. To tell ourselves about it, to talk about it with others, to celebrate and give thanks for it.
This benevolence grows when you focus on it. Your focus holds that much inherent power in it. It makes things get stronger. Please don’t give it away to the negative. Lend it in support to what you want more of.
I’m reminded of this when I watch The Dodo videos about animal rescues. I’ll see a person foster a limping old dog or a litter of abandoned kittens and think, how amazing is that. One man drove a calf and piglet to a rescue center across several states in his car. Who does that? Can you imagine sharing your hatchback with farm animals for two days? Thank goodness for these people and that I get to share this planet with them.
My self love affirmations:
I choose to see the benevolence.
What I focus on grows. I am that powerful.
I speak about love, goodness, and beauty.
I create more benevolence simply by focusing on it.
Thank you for reading!
"I choose to see benevolence"
When Mister Rogers of the famed TV show Mister Rogers Neighborhood was a boy, his mom told him to look for the helpers when something bad happens in life. They always show up she said; the benevolent people who come to alleviate pain and bring comfort in times of natural disaster or a neighbor in distress. They come bearing love, attention, rescue skills, casseroles. She taught her son to bring his focus on the goodness in every situation and what he can do to elevate the world.
We are wired as a survival skill to see the negative and to remember it. So it takes some effort and the learning of new skills to be able to see and keep our focus on the goodness everywhere. We can choose to see compassion, love, goodness, and beauty in what happens in the greater world, in our own lives, and in our own being. Not just to see it, but to really bring our focus on it. To tell ourselves about it, to talk about it with others, to celebrate and give thanks for it.
This benevolence grows when you focus on it. Your focus holds that much inherent power in it. It makes things get stronger. Please don’t give it away to the negative. Lend it in support to what you want more of.
I’m reminded of this when I watch The Dodo videos about animal rescues. I’ll see a person foster a limping old dog or a litter of abandoned kittens and think, how amazing is that. One man drove a calf and piglet to a rescue center across several states in his car. Who does that? Can you imagine sharing your hatchback with farm animals for two days? Thank goodness for these people and that I get to share this planet with them.
My self love affirmations:
I choose to see the benevolence.
What I focus on grows. I am that powerful.
I speak about love, goodness, and beauty.
I create more benevolence simply by focusing on it.
Thank you for reading!
PS. Practice self love affirmations and positive self talk to feel your inner strenght. A free worksheet to get in touch with your inner superhero. What do they have to say to you?
Positive self talk and self love book, download a free chapter
Speaking to yourself with Love: Transform Your Self-Talk by Maryse Cardin is a roadmap to bringing more compassion, kindness and love into your life by transforming your negative self-talk to a loving and positive one. This self-talk book is available in both e-book and paperback. Gain the self-talk skills you need to change your inner conversation. Learn how to speak to yourself as a best friend would, and to protect yourself from your inner critic. Discover all the benefits that loving and positive self-talk brings to the quality of our life, to our health, to our healing, and to our relationship with ourself and others.
Affirmations for self love and positive self talk to trust that it all lines up for my highest and greatest good.
My intention is to practice trust and surrender as an early option, tuning in, checking in, staying on my path, and readjusting as needed (which is quite a lot of the time). I always reserve the right to auto correct or to change my mind based on new information or guidance. I make a bunch of little choices every day based on this trust. Positive self talk helps me do this.